
Friday, 11 January 2013


Yesterday I set off on a cold frosty morning run. The clouds were lying low so by the time I'd got up the hill, I was jogging slowly in and out of visibility. The reason for the slow jogging, stopping and staring was the beauty that is on my doorstep. Beyond the supine clouds the sun was shining through and it was casting the most beautiful eerie glow on the icing sugared fields.

It reminded me of why I head off across the fields with just my dog trotting along side me and why I love the exhilarating feeling of freedom as I run over the hills.

These views, my dog and the freedom. That's why I run.

Friday, 4 January 2013

New shoes

I've just had a pair of fell running shoes delivered. I have no idea about fell running and have never done any, but they look nice and grippy and as though I could get across moors and fields in them.

Just got to find a time to head up onto the Peak District with them to try out!